Hyperactivity Treated With Fish Oil

The topic that we are going to discuss in today’s article is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and that it can be treated with fish oil. But before we share the study as to what was being found as to how the fish oil helped the people who were suffering from attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, we would like to focus on what attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is, so that you would have a general know how on this subject. Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder is a condition in which the individual who is suffering from it just does not pay attention to their surroundings as to what is being said to them and they are hyperactive, as well as have emotional instability and poor coordination and impulsiveness and learning disorders.

The researchers added that this condition is very common in the children who are of school going ages and the incidence of this problem is between four and twenty percent. It is also being stated that this is not only present in children, but the adults are also affected by this disorder. It is being estimated that there are about two million children only in the US who are suffering from the attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, which is a very high figure. We can also understand that there is one child in a class of 25 students who is suffering from this disorder. Raising a child who is suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a challenge. It requires a lot of patience on part of parents who must know that their child is suffering from this disorder because he or she will not be listening to what their parents are saying and their parents should understand that they are actually suffering from a problem and it is because of that they will not listen to what they are talking about because he just does not have the proper attention to them. There is a large network of parents that a couple can connect to, to understand as to how the different parents are coping up and raising their kid who is suffering from this disorder. There are also guidance counselors, as well as the public education systems through which the parents can take their guidance from.

The children who are suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are hyperactive and impulsive as is being said earlier. They are always on a go, always moving around. They are just living in their own world and do what comes in their mind without giving a thought for a moment as to what would be the results of that. They are seen in a constant fidgety motion or one can find them talking to themselves on a continuous basis. They are always restless and just do not feel like interacting with their parents, they only do that when they want to.

The thing that we should remember is that we cannot label every kid who is showing the hyperimpulsivity as a child who is suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, but there is a set criteria that must be met before we can really label the kid as the one who is suffering from this illness. The main areas that are seen to see as to how the kid is performing in that area includes that this behavior must appear before the age of 7 and must continue for at least about 6 months. The child must be handicap in at least two of the situations in his or her life that includes the behavior in the school room, in the play ground, at home, in the community, as well as social settings. So if a child who is not keeping up with the homework, but is someone who has a network of friends cannot be labeled as the child who is suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. There has to be at least two of the criteria that must be met before the child is being labeled as having the disorder.

Before the parents think that their child is suffering from attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, it is really important that they consult a physician first because there are a lot of aspects that need to be seen before labeling the child as the one going through that disorder. The parents when feel that the child is going through that disorder, they can contact their pediatrician, which can then further direct the parents to the psychologist or the psychiatrist so that the diagnosis can be established in a proper time and the proper course of action can be taken.

It must be noted that the specialists such as psychologists can diagnose a child but they cannot prescribe them the medication, where as the psychiatrists can diagnose a child and they can also prescribe the medication as well. The specialist who makes the diagnosis, interviews the parents, teachers and the individuals who are associated with the child to assess as to when the problem started to arise and for how long this child has been suffering from the problems and what were the different behaviors that the child has been showing so as to clearly understand as to what are the different conditions and what are the different times in which the child is showing these attitudes before the psychologist or the psychiatrist can make their diagnosis that the child is suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

The major cause that is being described that leads to the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is that it is a genetic disorder and is being inherited, there is also evidence that the exposure to the tobacco smoke, as well as alcohol also poses a high risk of development of the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in the children during pregnancy. It is the boys who are more affected than the girls and the reason for that is established that the baby boys need three times more the essential fatty acids than the baby girls in order to achieve the normal neonatal and infant development.
According to the latest research it was found that the fish oil supplements can be a whole lot effective in managing the hyperactivity disorder in the children than taking the drugs of the stimulant category such as the Ritalin.

The research was conducted on about 132 children who were the ages of 7 to 12 years and were suffering from the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The children who were given a mix of omega 3 fatty acids and omega 6 fatty acids, primrose oil, about half of them were seen to have significant reduction in the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and this is a major breakthrough in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.


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