Penis Thickening Exercise Help

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You hear all the time about the length of the penis and how a man can make it longer. However, often times a very important point regarding this matter is missed.

That is, a man needs to realize that thickening his penis is what usually is most important. The wider it is (without being too wide) the better off he is, and by the way, another name for the “thickness” of the penis is “girth.”

It also is referred to as the “circumference” because it is the measure of the penis all around. There are ways you can cause your penis to become thicker, and you can experience an increase in girth.

One method of enlarging the penis is by use of jelqing techniques. This is a good exercise to use while the penis is semi-erect, and is not recommended to do on a very hard penis as per

Jelqing is an exercise and conditioning technique that uses forces and movements similar to that used when milking a cow. All you do is take the thumb and index finger and use them to repeatedly draw your penis away from your body using a gentle massaging motion.

The purpose of jelqing is to help force blood into the “glans” and corpora cavernosa of your sexual organ. It helps bring as much blood as possible into your member-all the way to the tip.

You should know that these routines can be done either sitting or standing. It is your preference, and maybe you can even mix it up a little, doing it either sitting or standing at different times.

The Process

The process of getting a benefit out of jelqing (a.k.a milking) is gradual. It usually helps if you slowly increase the number of routines you would do while doing this exercise. You can for instance try it the 1st time for 5 or 10 minutes and then maybe increase up to perhaps 20 to 30 minutes.

Be careful not to put too much strain on your (assuming you are a man reading this) male organ. Otherwise, you can cause irreversible damage to your most prized organ of the body.

You will only know when doing these exercises how much pressure you should apply. However, as a general rule of thumb you should start out with milder pressure and then gradually increasing the force to as much as you can handle but no more.

By the way, one extra tip is that you should switch off hands. Sometimes you can complete these routines with your left hand and sometimes you can complete these routines with your right hand.


Why Should I Have A Walk In Tub Installed, Anyway?

Consider the benefits of walk in tubs for young people, too.

You’ve seen advertisements seemingly everywhere, letting you know that walk in tubs are superior than traditional tubs. You might see the point of having a walk in tub installed if you are elderly or disabled. However, if you are younger and able bodied, then you might not see any point at all in having one of these walk in tubs installed. You might be very happy with your traditional metal or porcelain tub. Some people pay very good money to have an old-fashioned, claw-legged porcelain bath tub installed in their home.  However, there are aspects about a walk in tub that you might want to consider, before you decide that these sort of tubs aren’t right for you.

First, consider the fact that walk in tubs allow for you to gain a better soaking experience. Yes, you can soak deeply in a traditional tub. However, have you ever considered how long it takes for water to fill up in a traditional tub? It can seem like it takes forever, and who really enjoys waiting for 15 or so minutes for their tub of hot water to fill up? Even if you sit in a traditional tub while it’s filling with water, you’ll find that your upper body is cold while the water is filling up. By the time your water fills up to the level you need, your water isn’t so fresh anymore. On the other hand, walk in tubs are designed to fill up very quickly.

Enjoy a deep soak with quick filling and draining.

Not only this, but when you sit in a traditional tub, you have to use a towel or a bath pillow to cushion your neck and soak deeply. You can sit upright in a walk in tub, and still enjoy a deep soak. The water fills up to your chest and you won’t have to worry about leaning back against a hard tub, in order to enjoy a good soak. You won’t have to worry about your body feeling cold and clammy. Best of all, when you are ready to exit your tub, you’ll find that the water from your walk through tub empties out very quickly as well.

 There are many other benefits that you can enjoy when you purchase a walk in tub. But you’ll never learn what those benefits are unless you give one a try. Many people have and they’ve learned that the quality of their health and lives have improved, drastically.


How To Burn Fat and Increase Lean Muscle With HGH

King of all Hormones

HGH or Human Growth Hormones is referred to as the miracle hormone, this is due to its function which directly or indirectly monitors the function of all the other functions of the body organs. All the hormones secreted in the body are secreted in the body in the endocrine glands and these hormones are nothing but chemical messengers. The main function of all these organs is to see to the proper functioning of the body organs to which these hormones are related.
What is Homeostasis?

The work performed by the hormones is to help build cells and tissues (anabolic) and breaking up of larger molecules like the lipids, proteins, polysaccharides etc into smaller units (catabolic) equally is termed as homeostasis. Of all the hormones present in the body HGH is the most important hormone as its helps in maintaining the body weight or rather help burn those extra fats, build muscles by regenerating the muscle tissues in the body.

Working of HGH

The best way to build muscles and burn fats in the body is to increase the level of HGH in the body. Increase in the level of HGH helps not only burn those extra fat accumulated in the body but also helps increase the muscle mass thus giving you a leaner body and sharper mind. HGH supplements are available in various forms i.e. they can be bought in pill form, capsule form, sprays, injections etc.

HGH is secreted in the anterior pituitary glands and the level of this hormone is normal and helps secrete this hormone naturally in the pituitary glands. Increase in the level of HGH in the body will help you become more alert and also boost your energy level which is clearly seen in children and young adults. There is an increase in the level of this hormone thus helping them to lose your weight faster and there is a remarkable growth in the height of the children. As you grow older there is a gradual decrease in the level of HGH in the body thus you can find more fat accumulation and drop age in the muscle mass of the body.
Use of HGH in body building

Use of HGH supplements along with exercising has shown an increase in the bodies muscle mass. HGH supplements are a rave with sports persons, super stars as they help boost the muscle mass thus reducing the fat content of the body. Exercising helps the body to tire up faster thus releasing lactic acid into the tissues of the body which in further triggers the release of HGH in the body.

HGH supplements and research

Every one of us would prefer a leaner and healthy body. Research has proved that HGH supplements help you to get a leaner and fine muscle body. HGH supplements have proved to burn the fats in the body thus increasing the energy level of the body. The energy thus generated thus helps you to form muscle mass and helps in increasing the oxygen supply to all the parts of the body. Increase in the oxygen level in the body helps the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system.


Five Surprisingly Popular Myths About Female Health

Despite the wealth of accurate information available online, the popularity of medical myths shows no signs of disappearing. When it comes to the anatomy of both male and females, the average person appears to know very little about what goes on underneath the surface. Here are five surprisingly popular examples of how little people know about the female body.

Menstrual Synchronicity

One of the most commonly believed myths about women’s health is that when a group of women live in close proximity, their period cycles sync. There is actually no scientific evidence to back up this claim.

In fact, researchers from the University of California conducted a study in which they asked 186 students living in close proximity of each other to track their menstrual cycle for an entire year. During the study, no menstrual synchronicity was discovered whatsoever.

Women Don’t Have Adams Apples

Another popular myth about female health is that women don’t have Adams apples. The truth of the matter is actually that both men and women have them. Adams apples are responsible for protecting vocal cords and consist of two cartilage plates joined together.

The reason that most people associate Adams apples with men is that men tend to have significantly larger versions. The primary reason for the difference in size is simply that men have more testosterone which pushes out the vocal cords and in turn, the Adams apple.

Married Women Put on Weight Because of Pregnancy

The fact that women tend to put on weight during their first ten years of marriage is often put down to pregnancy. A study conducted by the University of Queensland however indicated that weight gain is likely to occur regardless of pregnancy.

The surprising study indicated that over ten years, a women in her twenties or thirties is likely to put on eleven pounds regardless of pregnancy or marriage. Add marriage to the mix and that figure rises to fifteen pounds. Pregnancy does make a difference but is estimated to only lead to a further five pounds.

Women Have Smaller Bladders

Women tend to have to go to the toilet more often than men but the size of their bladder has nothing to do with this fact. In terms of bladder size, men and women are actually identical.

The reason that women tend to have to urinate more often is actually because their bladder is simply given less room to expand. This is because a woman’s bladder is supported by the front wall of her uterus and this wall tends to weaken as she ages leaving less room for expansion.

Women Reach Their Sexual Peak in their Thirties

Finally, there is the incredibly popular myth regarding female sexuality. Many people believe that a woman reaches her sexual peak during her thirties. There is however no scientific evidence to suggest that any hormone surges occur during this time period.

Though women are likely to have more orgasms during this period of their life, experts believe that this has nothing to do with hormones. It is instead believed to be caused by changes in sexual attitudes and generally being more comfortable with their bodies.


4 USPs Of Idol lash Serum

Idol lash serum is one of the best eyelashes growth enhancers of the present times. It is highly efficient in lengthening, darkening and elongating your eyelashes to make your more beautiful and attractive. It has multiple properties like, moisturizer and conditioner that add to its loads of benefits.

Here are the 4 unique facts about Idol lash that make it stand out among others:

Trusted brand

Health Buy, the organization of Idol lash is a regarded name since 2002 in the wellbeing and magnificence industry. Idol is an individual from the Natural Products Association, which affirms the unadulterated and regular elements of Idol Lash. Idol lash has been demonstrated to upgrade the thickness of eyelashes inside 2 a month of utilization, which is extremely calculable.

Clinically proven

Idol lash is clinically proven and is known to yield quick results. Unlike other cosmetics, Idol lash does what it is advertised for.

The efficiency and benefits of Idol lash have been proven clinically. In a recent study, women of age-group 24-70 applied Idol lash regularly at night for two weeks. After two weeks, a substantial rise in their lash length and thickness was witnessed. They also showed a sign of increased keratin level, which strengthens hair.

Natural ingredients

One of the important parts of Idol lash reviews is its ingredients. Another important thing about Idol lash is that it is not made from artificial chemicals and harmful extracts. It is completely made from natural ingredients.

  1. Chamomile extract: It has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties and strengthens the hair follicles of your eyes. This results in optimum growth and density of your eyelashes.
  2. Jojoba seed oil: It has moisturizing properties and keeps your eyelashes fresh, hydrated, and darkened.
  3. Honey extract: It is an antioxidant and helps to enhance the growth of your eyelashes. It also makes your eyelashes soft and silky.
  4. Cocoyl: It is derived from coconut oil and washes away remains of dead skin from your eyelashes.
  5. Kelp extract: This is one of the most nutrient-rich ingredients of Idol lash serum. It has iodine, calcium, vitamin A, Vitamin B1 and calcium. These nutrients thicken your eyelashes and make them look natural and fresh.

No side effects

Idol lash does not have any side effect. It is made up of natural and safe extracts which are beneficial and doesn’t have any negative impact on your body.

