Advanced Life Support TraumaThere are advanced life support trauma courses that help to manage acute trauma cases. These training programs play a key role in advanced trauma management. This training is required to be given in surgical emergency care and was developed in 1976 by the American College of Surgeons. This program has been adopted in more than thirty countries all across the globe and the goal is to teach simple as well as standardized approach to trauma patients. This has helped a lot in acute trauma management cases. If you are heading towards learning advanced life support trauma courses, there are some very basic things that you must bear in mind. There are different steps involved in the Advanced Trauma Life Support program with the first step being ensuring that all body main functions are working correctly. After this confirmation is received, you can start the treatment on the site of injury. This program was the mainly conceived by Dr. James K. Styner, an orthopedic surgeon from the USA, who while piloting a light aircraft, crashed the plane into a field in Nebraska killing his wife on the spot and three of his four children were critically injured. He found the emergency care provided in this instance to be inadequate as well as inappropriate, which led him to develop a system that would help save lives in medical trauma conditions. Trauma can happen to any one at any time. You never know what future has in store for you. You never know when an emergency is going to happen. An accident can happen any time and you may just become completely shocked. You may or may not get injured physically. But the mental shock may leave you completely under trauma and you need to cope up from this shocking traumatic situation. There may be anything shocking. Whether an accident is a single-occupant car crash or the crash of a large passenger jet, the lives at risk are dependent on advanced life supporters. Now, the Advanced Life Support Trauma is published by the American College of Surgeons to enable others to get a framework for managing injured patients. The purpose is to allow a doctor working on his or her own in rural hospitals to make effectual assessment and manage instances of multiple traumas. Advanced Life Support Trauma has found acceptance worldwide and many hospitals and institutions run this course. Every physician as well as surgeon that is involved in managing injured patients should have undergone the Advanced Life Support Trauma course. Also continuous modifications and alterations are being made in this training program to keep in touch with the current scenario. Besides the advanced skills imparted through the Advanced Life Support Trauma course, there is also included the one most essential skill that a caregiver or provider must possess and learn, which is Critical Thinking so that he or she will be able to better assess the problem and arrive at the correct life and death decision regarding further course of action. Apart from critical thinking the person must also be active and must have good presence of mind. This can help him to tackle the emergency situation successfully as far as the medical part is concerned. Leading medical professionals who are often the first to reach and access injured patients need to have had Advanced Life Support Trauma training, and certification in such a course should be a prerequisite for appointment to a post as a senior house officer in accident and emergency situations. Advanced life support trauma training programs and courses have proved to be a boon on the international scene. |
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