Eat Intuitively

At this day and age there are many diseases that are solely related to the way we eat. Many people go through dieting and eat less, some become very very selective in eating and they start eating less healthy foods in order to avoid a gain in weight. This new research tells us that we should eat intuitively, which would allow us to have a better way to maintain our weight and reduce the risk of heart and other diseases.

People who follow their intuition do not diet, they have learned to respond to the responses of their body such as eating when feeling hungry and taking the hands off of food when they feel that their desire to eat is fulfilled. This in turn helps them to respond to their body’s natural responses and staying healthy.

A doctor who was the part of the team conducting the research adopted intuitive eating and lost about 50 pounds in the process thus proving his stance on the research.

The basic theme of eating intuitively is that we know the demands of our body rather than we go for the number of calories that we need to eat, the kinds of food, counting carbs, proteins or fats etc. What we need to do is to understand our bodily requirements and eat according to it based on the level of hunger and satiety.

To support their research, the scientists called for volunteers who were intuitive eaters and who were not, and then performed several tests on them to identify who were healthier than the other group. The women who were eating intuitively scored higher and were healthier than the women who were not intuitive eaters and scored low, with the major difference standing out as the low levels of triglycerides in their body, as well as high HDL levels than the women who were not eating intuitively.

So it proved that the women who were eating intuitively had a good blood workup and better cardiovascular risk profile, hence proving their study.

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