Capacity Of Aerobics Exercise In Elderly

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Aerobics exercise is becoming a major part of our lifestyle. There are a lot of people now who are understanding that it is really necessary that they spend some time during the day where they are exercising and burning their calories so that they are able to keep themselves fit and healthy. The aerobics is something that is not limited to any age or class and is a way of life that every one can adopt. It is so important for all of us to understand that without exercise we are just allowing our bodies to learn to live a lazy way and thus we will get fatigued easily and our bodies just do not have that capacity to perform the physical endurance that we think we have. You might think that you are a strong person, if so, then just run a kilometer distance, if you are someone who has not made his body tuned to daily aerobics exercise, you will see that your body will give up on you and you will be someone who just could not make up with the amount of physical capacity required to run that kilometer. Therefore you can see that you really need to think seriously about exercising. In this article we are going to discuss on the fact that the fitness level declines among people who are growing older, but if they are going to keep up with the exercise that requires them to burn their calories, they will be able to live a healthy and an independent life that they want to live.

It is a fact that as the individual gets older, they lose their physical endurance and they physical capacity declines very rapidly. The most important thing that needs to be realized here is that we can start living a healthy life so that we do not have a whole lot to catch up with in our elder years, but if we are a person who is living a lazy lifestyle where we just do not care about exercise right now thinking that we are physically very healthy then I must say that it will be whole lot work to do and it will be something that is going to worse and worse with time. These elderly people who are unable to do physical exercise are someone who have not spend much time exercising in their youth or are someone who have been gravely ill. Therefore it is really important for all of us to understand as to how important the physical activity is to all of us and that is why we should just put ourselves in because may be tomorrow we might not have that capacity to keep ourselves fit and healthy by doing exercise.

There are researches that are being done to understand the change in the aerobic capacity of the healthy individuals that range from different age groups 21 to 87. The data was analyzed on about 375 women and about 435 men. In this study, the participants who underwent the study did exercise on the treadmill about every four years for a median of 7.9 and this provided the researchers to analyze the variations on a very large time span. In these treadmill tests the participants’ aerobic capacity, which is the amount of oxygen that is being consumed by the body during exercise that is known as VO2, which was calculated during the treadmill tests. It was being found that the aerobic capacity just diminishes as the person does less physical activity and when they start to exercise, they walk slower and they just get more and more exhausted with the physical exertion.

When such things are being found in the elderly, it just clearly indicates that the elderly just cannot live their life on their own and that they would just feel fatigued very easily while doing their activities of daily living. During the treadmill tests, it was found by the researchers that there is a change in the aerobic capacity for each decade of age and that the aerobic capacity declined in each decade in both the men and the women, but the results were pretty stunning when it was seen in the older age groups. The statistics showed that there was a decline of about 3 percent to about 6 percent in the ages ranging from 20s to 30s and in the elderly there was a decline of about 20 percent in every decade in people who are in their 70s and beyond. If we see the age group of 40, the aerobic capacity declines more in men than women. In men they lost about 8.3 percent of exercise capacity in their 40s and about 23.2 percent in their 70s.

It was really striking to find that the individuals who were really active and healthy enough to walk on the treadmill showed a decline in the exercise capacity and the rates were quite high in the elderly individuals and it was really stunning that how these individuals really show a decline with age. The researcher stated that it is very important that the elderly people must understand the significance of aerobic capacity and that they should focus more on doing aerobic activity so that they are able to do their activity of daily living. The researchers also added that the elderly individuals should also participate in the fitness programs and they said that participating in the structured exercise program can turn out to be really helpful in the lives of these individuals and it will help these individuals a lot to get their life back and even though their capacity is decreasing, they are still able to maintain the capacity for that decade and will be able to decelerate the process of decrease in energy and capacity to some extent. The researchers added that decline in the muscle mass is also a very big cause in the decline of the muscle strength and that also contributes big time in the exercise capacity of these individuals with age and the exercise can help them prevent that as well.

It is really very important that the elderly individuals put in an hour or so or more every day so that they are doing the exercise that they need to do every single day so that they are able to live healthier lives and are able to carry out the activities of daily living. I believe with a healthy lifestyle the elderly would live a much better life. I would also like to share a website with all so that the ones who want to do aerobics can get a lot of help from this site. Best of luck to all.


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