4 Exercises That Boost Your Energy Levels for the Day

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Have you ever found yourself to be very sluggish, tired at sleepy at times? And all you wish to do is to sleep for long at such a moment? Well, there is a simple and effective solution for this hassle: Exercise! Yes, exercise has enormous benefits and is composed of twofold benefit feature as it not only boosts you body’s fitness level and your mood but also successfully manages to uplift your overall health and well-being in the long run. And one need not spend exorbitant amount of money for the same. There are certain simple bodybuilding exercises which will help you stay fit, at your ease and help you fight fatigue and keep the fat at bay.

1. Burst training workouts

Burst training work out requires shorter duration of time, its intensity is tremendous and the results are very satisfying. It involves a variety of body movements which mimics our everyday activities with regards to sports and recreation. If you wish a quick refreshment for your body then try sprinting for about 60 seconds or walking for two minutes. Fast jump roping for 30-45 seconds or even 45 seconds of mountain climbing followed by a minute of walking rejuvenates your body all over again.

2. Low intensity workouts

If you wish to burn your fat content then it depends upon the intensity used on it. While low intensity exercise like walking or strolling, swimming or light cycling burns a higher percentage of fat from the total calories burned, High intensity exercise like running, heavy swimming or cycling, sprinting etc. helps you burn more calories overall and is vital for good cardiovascular health.

3. Boxing

What is the best form of exercise when you feel frustrated tired and stressed throughout the day? Boxing! Yes, indeed! Boxing helps uplift your energy levels instantly, though you may find it difficult to combat with its immense intensity, but it is efficient to burn calories and to increase lean muscle mass and reduce the rate of injury. Especially for women, the kicks and lower drills help’s to tone their butt and thighs.

4. Circuit training workouts

Don’t wish to follow the monotonous method of workout? No worries, Circuit training is definitely for you then. It helps you alternate between different muscle groups in a different and interesting way. It is not mandatory to make use of equipments for the same. In case of wanting to use the equipment, it comes inexpensive and consists of jump rope, surgical tubing, dumbbells, and jumping jack. Also one could use their own body weight! It is a combination of cardio and strength training exercise which helps in maximum blasting of calories.

While exercise is vital for your mind and body, overdoing it get you in certain health conditions which can be very risky. So it is very crucial to consult your family doctor for the same. Exercise will tone up your body and help you looks and feel better. The energy, stamina and endorphins gained will spread over to other areas of your life and make you feel more controlled over yourself and your life!


3 Common Exercising Issues

You have been trying to exercise in order to get in shape and to feel good. Yet, do you feel shaky, dizzy, or short of breath after an exercise session? In case you are experiencing these symptoms consult a doctor straight away. Here is looking into few of the common problems bothering most of us in the present day.

1. Shaky experiences- Shakiness can be caused by drinking too much coffee before going in for a workout. Another possible reason that contributes to this symptom is that you probably have a low level of blood sugar. Muscles need glucose to have energy, and if you have low levels of blood sugar, this may cause muscle jitteriness. The best thing that you can do to avoid this is to eat a light and healthy meal before exercising. You must avoid sugary foods, though this may cause a rapid rise and fall in blood sugar levels.

2. Itchy Issues- Are you desperate to have a model like figure? However, does itching skin bother you while working out to achieve the same? Working out builds up body temperature and this can cause skin problems for you. This is known as exercise-induced urticaria. Itching can also be caused from wearing the wrong type of clothes while exercising or by sudden changes of temperature.

One piece of advice is that you must avoid scratching your skin. Scratching will only make it worse. The thing that you can do about this is to shower immediately after your workouts. Also, consulting your doctor will help you get a proper medication to rid your skin of such irritation.

3. Cumbersome Crunches- Do your knees remind you of crunchy biscuits while working out? You might notice that whenever you do squats you hear crunchy sounds coming from your knees. If you experience pain whenever this sound occurs, there might be a serious problem brewing. To avoid this symptom, you can start by going in for strength training for the leg area. You can also change the type of your exercise after consulting your trainer. However, if symptoms persist, consult your doctor.

Never neglect such issues, no matter how unimportant they appear. Mend them before they get out of hand.


Capacity Of Aerobics Exercise In Elderly

Aerobics exercise is becoming a major part of our lifestyle. There are a lot of people now who are understanding that it is really necessary that they spend some time during the day where they are exercising and burning their calories so that they are able to keep themselves fit and healthy. The aerobics is something that is not limited to any age or class and is a way of life that every one can adopt. It is so important for all of us to understand that without exercise we are just allowing our bodies to learn to live a lazy way and thus we will get fatigued easily and our bodies just do not have that capacity to perform the physical endurance that we think we have. You might think that you are a strong person, if so, then just run a kilometer distance, if you are someone who has not made his body tuned to daily aerobics exercise, you will see that your body will give up on you and you will be someone who just could not make up with the amount of physical capacity required to run that kilometer. Therefore you can see that you really need to think seriously about exercising. In this article we are going to discuss on the fact that the fitness level declines among people who are growing older, but if they are going to keep up with the exercise that requires them to burn their calories, they will be able to live a healthy and an independent life that they want to live.

It is a fact that as the individual gets older, they lose their physical endurance and they physical capacity declines very rapidly. The most important thing that needs to be realized here is that we can start living a healthy life so that we do not have a whole lot to catch up with in our elder years, but if we are a person who is living a lazy lifestyle where we just do not care about exercise right now thinking that we are physically very healthy then I must say that it will be whole lot work to do and it will be something that is going to worse and worse with time. These elderly people who are unable to do physical exercise are someone who have not spend much time exercising in their youth or are someone who have been gravely ill. Therefore it is really important for all of us to understand as to how important the physical activity is to all of us and that is why we should just put ourselves in because may be tomorrow we might not have that capacity to keep ourselves fit and healthy by doing exercise.

There are researches that are being done to understand the change in the aerobic capacity of the healthy individuals that range from different age groups 21 to 87. The data was analyzed on about 375 women and about 435 men. In this study, the participants who underwent the study did exercise on the treadmill about every four years for a median of 7.9 and this provided the researchers to analyze the variations on a very large time span. In these treadmill tests the participants’ aerobic capacity, which is the amount of oxygen that is being consumed by the body during exercise that is known as VO2, which was calculated during the treadmill tests. It was being found that the aerobic capacity just diminishes as the person does less physical activity and when they start to exercise, they walk slower and they just get more and more exhausted with the physical exertion.

When such things are being found in the elderly, it just clearly indicates that the elderly just cannot live their life on their own and that they would just feel fatigued very easily while doing their activities of daily living. During the treadmill tests, it was found by the researchers that there is a change in the aerobic capacity for each decade of age and that the aerobic capacity declined in each decade in both the men and the women, but the results were pretty stunning when it was seen in the older age groups. The statistics showed that there was a decline of about 3 percent to about 6 percent in the ages ranging from 20s to 30s and in the elderly there was a decline of about 20 percent in every decade in people who are in their 70s and beyond. If we see the age group of 40, the aerobic capacity declines more in men than women. In men they lost about 8.3 percent of exercise capacity in their 40s and about 23.2 percent in their 70s.

It was really striking to find that the individuals who were really active and healthy enough to walk on the treadmill showed a decline in the exercise capacity and the rates were quite high in the elderly individuals and it was really stunning that how these individuals really show a decline with age. The researcher stated that it is very important that the elderly people must understand the significance of aerobic capacity and that they should focus more on doing aerobic activity so that they are able to do their activity of daily living. The researchers also added that the elderly individuals should also participate in the fitness programs and they said that participating in the structured exercise program can turn out to be really helpful in the lives of these individuals and it will help these individuals a lot to get their life back and even though their capacity is decreasing, they are still able to maintain the capacity for that decade and will be able to decelerate the process of decrease in energy and capacity to some extent. The researchers added that decline in the muscle mass is also a very big cause in the decline of the muscle strength and that also contributes big time in the exercise capacity of these individuals with age and the exercise can help them prevent that as well.

It is really very important that the elderly individuals put in an hour or so or more every day so that they are doing the exercise that they need to do every single day so that they are able to live healthier lives and are able to carry out the activities of daily living. I believe with a healthy lifestyle the elderly would live a much better life. I would also like to share a website with all so that the ones who want to do aerobics can get a lot of help from this site. Best of luck to all.


Keeping Busy Is Good

We do hear a lot from our parents saying that we need to be keeping ourselves busy and we mostly say that we do a lot in a day, but we still hear from our parents that we need to fix our rooms, we should spend some time in a day to exercise and we have been saying to our parents that why do they stress that we keep ourselves busy throughout the day, we need some leisure time, but this is something that the research has proved that it is really important that an individual keep him or herself busy as much as they can. This does not mean that we overdo on things, but what it means is that we should spend a good amount of time in a day where we are just going through the physical work out and being on our toes for as long as we can.

When our parents used to say that we need to be physically active most of the day, I used to think that why do they say that, why do they emphasize on it so much that we keep ourselves busy, but when I read this research on the topic that keeping busy is good, I just remembered my parents saying those words and I felt that it is they who are right in front of me and saying that. When our parents used to say that we should work, in my opinion they were just trying to get us into a habit that we should be physically active and that we should spend a lot of time during the day where we are doing chores, going to gym, going out shopping etc. because this latest research says that being physically active is something that prolongs life and the people who are physically active during the later years in their life are the ones who have longer life span than the ones who are not physically active at all. It was also said that people who do shopping or walk their dogs when they are above 70 is something that is going to prolong their life because they are keeping themselves busy.

The study was conducted so that it could be seen that whether this hypothesis of keeping busy was right or not and for this reason there were about 300 elderly people who were being followed for a span of about eight years and the activities of their daily living were being recorded to see as to how they spend their time most of the day and it was found that that the elderly people who were keeping themselves active were the ones who survived during the course of the study rather than the ones who were not living with an active lifestyle. It was also mentioned in the study that the elderly individuals who were burning the energy from their body were the ones who were 67 percent less likely to die than the ones who were the least active. The death toll of the elderly individuals who were the least active was marked at about 25 percent and the rate of death among the individuals who were the most active was only about 12 percent and there was a big difference between the percentages of the two groups.

The researchers added that they were not emphasizing that the elderly individuals should go through an aggressive exercise program or spend a very upbeat lifestyle, it is just that they should be keeping themselves busy in activities that would keep them physically active and they enjoy that at the same time like walking the dog, taking walks in the parks, bowling with the peers of their age groups, playing nine pins etc. any thing that would be considered an enjoyable physical activity by them and among them there is one most important thing that is loved by women and that is shopping, even shopping keeps one physically active and helps the individuals to burn a lot of energy.

It was also added that if the elderly people have jobs that are absolutely according to their physical capacity would be very much keeping them healthy and in a lot better shape than the elderly who do not have any job at all and this just would have a very positive impact on their lives. The scientists also added that keeping busy can be graded as something that is next to life for them because there has been an increased death rate seen in the elderly individuals who have not been exercising. Therefore it is very important for them to be working so that their life is prolonged and they live healthy.

The researchers also added that this research can change the lives of so many elderly people because the most important thing is that they just burn their energy in tiny bits and pieces. It is not important that they just burn their energy at a very rapid pace but to burn it slowly and gradually by keeping them busy throughout the day in the activities that they like the most so that they are able to see a major difference in their life and see as to how important it is for them to be stronger and healthier at an age where they are going weak, where the different diseases and medical issues are just waiting to put them through a lot of pain and misery, and only just by burning the energy little by little every day can be just another name for life for these people.

The researchers also suggested that the elderly individuals who do not have any specific routine can just set themselves a specific course of activities throughout the day that they like the most with which they are able to burn their energy slowly and gradually. It is so important for these individuals who do not realize that activity is so important for them that it is considered as next to life, which is proven through this research by going through the death rates and following the individuals for about eight years, which is a long segment of time that showed that people who were keeping themselves active had lesser death rates than the individuals who were not active or were least active. So it is very important for them to organize their day and set a pattern of activities for them that they enjoy the most.

The researchers also suggested that the nature of the exercise is not strenuous at all and it is not going to be something that will be harmful for them but will be something that is going to keep them in better shape. The researchers also said that if the senior citizens have any doubts regarding the above said research, they can contact their family doctors and can get an opinion from them to see what can be best for them.

Another thing that the researchers added was that this study was not enough and that there will be still more studies that will be conducted so that they are able to find a lot of the other hidden aspects that would greatly benefit the senior citizens.


Risk Of Using Steroids In Teenagers

A recent study suggested that the use of steroids in children may have a longer lasting effect on the brains of teenagers.

The study that was conducted to look at the different anabolic steroids on the hamsters found that the drug just causes a trigger that results in an aggressive state.

They also found that the effects of the steroids may also last for at least two years and they may cause permanent brain changes. The scientists also added that one cannot say as to how the length of the effects from the steroids in humans, since the study was conducted on hamsters.

It was also being stated that the long term use of steroids can cause mood swings, hallucinations, paranoia, liver damage, high blood pressure, as well as increased risk of heart disease and stroke and some types of cancers. It was also noted that coming off of steroids can lead to depression as well.

In another study that was conducted by a university in Boston, they studied the behavior of an adolescent hamster when another hamster was put into their cage. It was found that the hamster naturally defended their territory by wrestling, play fighting, wrestling.

But when the hamsters were injected with the commonly used steroids that were suspended in the oil, the hamsters became extremely aggressive and when the drug was withdrawn, even then the newly vicious hamster attacked, bit and chased the intruder.

It was found that the aggressiveness of the hamster increased to about 10 times more than that of the other hamster who was only injected with the oil.

They found that the effect lasted for almost two weeks and after that the animal just reverted back to its normal playful defensive state.

On the post mortem of the hamsters, it was found that there had been changes in the brain of those hamsters and while the time in which they were being given the steroids, the anterior hypothalamus regulates the aggression and social behavior, secreted more neurotransmitter known as vasopressin.

It was found that about three weeks after the withdrawal, the vasopressin levels had subsided and the aggression levels subsided with it.

The scientists also found that the portion of the brain that they studied in rodents is similar to that in humans and therefore this might be applicable to humans as well.

The researchers said that the developing brain in children is more adaptable and pliable, the steroids could change the trajectory if the steroids are administered during development.
The researchers said that if the steroids hit the right areas of the brain at the right time then they can cause permanent changes.

It is being said that the people who are abusing steroids and especially these are young athletes or weight lifters and the effects of these steroids can have long term effects even after they are stopped.


Yoga Gives Ease To Patients With Low Back Pain

Low back pain is the main problem that the adults suffer from and this is something that really hurts the back where one feels like a catch in the back or something is just tearing up the back in two or a stabbing pain that people experience in the back.

There are many treatments that are available for the low back pain such as pain killers, massages, acupuncture, back exercises to strengthen the back etc. There is another method, which is currently being used to help relieve the back pain and relax the muscles of the back, which is yoga. Yoga is considered to be a better approach to help the back of the people who are suffering from chronic low back pain.

In the study, researchers randomly assigned 101 adults to take either 12 weeks of yoga class or 12 weeks of a standard therapeutic exercise class, or to follow the advice of a self-care book.
The effects of yoga on the back are being evaluated through a study conducted on 101 adults in whom they had to go for about 12 weeks of yoga. The yoga class was carried out in the viniyoga style, which goes by the idea that the poses should be adapted to the individual’s needs. This session was conducted by an experienced teacher who had been conducted sessions of therapeutic yoga and the classes were limited only to basic poses that would not be putting too much pressure or strain on the back.

The individuals going through that therapy showed that their back functioning is better than their peers who were going through the same back problems.

It is said that yoga is making the mind and body work for you and to help you with the problems that you are going through with both your body and mind. So with the poses that were being made during the class, helped the individuals to get trained as to how they need to go through those poses and it helped them register those poses in their mind, and whenever they use their back to lift things or bending, they know how to perform those maneuvers in order to help them prevent from the agonizing pain that they suffer from their back pain by doing the movements the wrong way.

Complete information on health care.


Improve Your Memory By Exercising Your Mind And Body

Memory problems are a rising dilemma in the recent era. The results of the research conducted showed that memory exercises and stress reduction when coupled with a healthy diet and regular physical workout improves memory in older adults.

The scientists have proved that memory can be improved with these important lifestyles and one can enhance the efficacy of brain in just a span of two weeks.

At the start of the study the researchers were not sure whether they would be able to get the desired results from their study, but to their surprise it was totally amazing that the volunteers who followed the lifestyle program not only noticed enhanced memory, but this was rather confirmed when they were being put through different memory tests to further back their statements and their memory did improve after following the lifestyles that were put down out for them.

This study was conducted on 34 adults, which was for a total of about 14 days. The plan that was set for the individuals is as follows: These individuals had to eat five small healthy meals per day, which were rich in omega-3 fats from fish and olive oil, healthy whole grain carbohydrates and antioxidants. The purpose of giving five meals instead of three meals was to prevent the decrease in the blood sugar level of blood, which is the main source of energy for the brain.

Then these individuals had to walk briskly along with physical conditioning to help brain circulation, as this is known to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. They were also asked to perform stretching and relaxation exercises, which decreases the body’s production of the stress hormone, cortisol. Cortisol can weaken the memory by decreasing the brain’s memory centers.

These candidates were also given memory training and crossword puzzles and the basic memory training regimen to improve everyday memory skills.

The researchers had taken the PET scans of these individuals right before and after the study to look for the activity of the brain.

The results after 14 days were that the PET scans showed a marked decrease in brain metabolism in an area of the brain directly linked to working memory and other cognitive functions, which suggested that were using their brains more efficiently.

So this study ultimately showed that with getting onto better lifestyles, we can definitely improve our memory as is being proved by seeing the individuals performing much better than before.

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!! May god bless you with optimum health this year 🙂
